360°x180° Panorama
2:57 PMPagi tadi, gue iseng browsing nyari2 gambar luar angkasa. Intinya sih gara2 kepancing kejadian meteorit yang jatoh di rusia itu. Aneh ya, kenapa banyak banget video yang nangkep gambar itu. Apa tujuannya naro kamera di dalem mobil dan nyala mulu. Gue rasa ini konspirasi Yahudi (Men, rusia itu komunis).
Dan yang paling gue bingung, kenapa orang2 disana pada diem aja. Sedikitpun gue gak denger ada yg teriak di videonya. Mungkin lebih kaget liat tai burung jatoh kali.
bla bla bla bla... akhirnya gue buka website nasa.
Website yang keren menurut gue karena gue gak tau mana yang manipulasi, mana yg beneran haha
Website yang cukup lengkap dan disitu kalian akan nemuin banyak gambar2 keren yang diupdate tiap harinya. Sampe yang galau pun ada
nih link gambar2nya http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/archivepix.html
Celestian Valentine |
Gue liat banyak gambar di sana, sampe gue terhenti di gambar ini.
Umbra World |
Gue suka banget ama gambar yg di atas. Seakan kita membuat dunia kecil sendiri. Pasti lo terkesima pas pertama kali liat foto itu.
Akhirnya gue pun googling untuk cari tau konsep fotografi itu. Ternyata namanya adalah Stereographic Projection atau dalam prosesnya bisa dibilang "360°x180° panoramas projected to look like small planets using a projection called stereographic projection."
Keren abis, tapi gue gak tau cara bikinnya gimana
Terpaksa googling pun berlanjut. Dan finally dapet koleksi foto dan sumber yang oke untuk dipelajari.
dibawah ini ada sedikit penjelasan tentang 360°x180° panorama
Turn around and look all around you. You can see 360° horizontally.
We should also consider the vertical dimension: if looking straight ahead (horizontally) is 0°, you can look upward up to 90° (the sky) and downward to -90° (the ground). That covers 180° vertically from thezenith (the point in the sky right above you) to the nadir (the point on the ground right below you).
Now imagine that you are at the center of sphere, and the image of the world you see around you is in fact just a picture on that sphere. Everywhere you look (the whole 360° horizontally and the whole 180° vertically), the sphere shows you a picture if what you should normally see in that direction.
A 360°x180° panorama is exactly this sphere. Making a 360°x180° panorama means that you have to shoot pictures for all direction, including sky and ground, in order to be able to reconstruct that sphere.
We should also consider the vertical dimension: if looking straight ahead (horizontally) is 0°, you can look upward up to 90° (the sky) and downward to -90° (the ground). That covers 180° vertically from thezenith (the point in the sky right above you) to the nadir (the point on the ground right below you).
Now imagine that you are at the center of sphere, and the image of the world you see around you is in fact just a picture on that sphere. Everywhere you look (the whole 360° horizontally and the whole 180° vertically), the sphere shows you a picture if what you should normally see in that direction.
A 360°x180° panorama is exactly this sphere. Making a 360°x180° panorama means that you have to shoot pictures for all direction, including sky and ground, in order to be able to reconstruct that sphere.
kalo mau tau lebih jelasnya buka aja http://www.flickr.com/photos/gadl/sets/72157594279945875/
Dari sekian banyak foto yang ada, gue paling suka yang ini
Green Eiffel |
Sinting emang yang nemuin cara beginian.